Statement of Faith

We are called to attempt great things for God and to serve others first 

We believe in one God who was and is eternal, and exists in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Shema, or "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one" (Deuteronomy 6:4), teaches that God is one, God is personal, God is the creator of the heavens and the earth and we acknowledge Him as the ultimate authority and Lord over our lives.

We believe that The Bible, consisting of the Tenach (Old Testament) and the B’rit Hadasha (New Testament) is the infallible, inerrant, and authoritative word of God.  Through His word, God reveals His ways, His plans, and His desires for us as His people.  We recognize the Bible’s teachings as the ultimate authority in all matters of faith and practice.

 We recognize and observe Shabbat (from sundown on Friday evening to sundown on Saturday evening) as the time that God appointed for us to take rest in Him.  We believe that God uses Shabbat to redirect our mind and body to Him each week.  We celebrate Shabbat as a time of rest, fellowship, and gratitude.

We believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is the promised Messiah that came to redeem all people.  He became the final and perfect sacrifice, and is now and forever the perpetual High Priest and intercessor for believers who accept His sacrifice and atonement.  We believe that He preexisted as the eternal Word, was born of a virgin and became man, and lived a completely sinless life.  We believe that He came to fulfill Messianic prophecies, but not to abolish the laws of the Torah.  We believe that He will return again as a conquering King to reign forever over His people.

We believe in the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) has been given to believers to guide us in Biblical truth, convict us of sin, empowers us to follow God’s will for our lives, and enables us to live righteous live through the shed blood of Yeshua.

We believe human beings were created in the image of God but through disobedience became separated from God.  We acknowledge and believe that human beings are born with a sinful heart. When we have faith in Messiah Yeshua, we receive a new heart. We believe that Yeshua died for our sins and that all who believe in Him are atoned for – not by any of their own efforts but by Messiah’s righteousness and shed blood. We believe that personal faith in Yeshua is the only way of salvation.

We believe in the physical and spiritual restoration of Israel and that the re-establishment of the state of Israel is the fulfillment of prophecy.  We believe God’s calling for Israel is irrevocable. We believe Jewish people who have faith in Messiah Yeshua continue to be Jewish and Gentiles who follow Yeshua are “grafted in” and are united to the faithful remnant of Israel.

We believe in and abide by God’s appointed calendar, seasons and feasts.  We believe that God’s moadim (appointed times) are prophetic and point us to Messiah, Yeshua.  We acknowledge that each feast commemorates a specific historical event that reveals God’s nature and plan ofredemption for all people.  We believe that God’s appointed times are for all believers.  We believe that in observing and understanding the Biblical feasts, all believers gain a more complete and intimate understanding of God and His plans for all His people.

We believe that we are all one body under Messiah, and are called together to glorify God, love and serve people and spread the gospel message.

About the Lucker Family

God called the Lucker family to start Bondservants to Messiah in early January of 2022.  They had a Purim Carnival in their backyard with about 80 people in attendance and then started having services in their home each week.  God grew the congregation quickly, and they were blessed to move services to Lighthouse Assembly of God in June of 2022.  Adam and Kaimi are so thankful to be able to serve BTM together with their children.  The Lucker family have personally seen the abundance of blessings and peace that God provides when we follow His ways, and His appointed times.  They have a passion for sharing this knowledge with other believers of various backgrounds.

Adam grew up in a non-practicing Jewish household.  His uncles took him to Synagogue, so that he could be Bar Mitvah’d and he had some memories of Passover, Hanukkah and some blessings that were memorized in his childhood.  Kaimi grew up in a Christian household and was always very involved with worship music and was blessed to be go on many mission trips with her church youth group.  When Adam met Kaimi, they went to a service at her grandfather’s church in Indiana and Adam turned his life over to God.  God strengthened their relationship with Him and blessed them with 4 beautiful children that they desired to be raised in a home that put God first.

Adam and Kaimi were actively involved as members of Eau Gallie First Baptist Church and sang together on the worship team.  God called them into Messianic living and they started attending Kol Mashiach.  Adam served as the cantor for KM services and Kaimi served as the worship leader.  During this time, Adam and Kaimi enjoyed learning more about Messianic living and loved learning more about God and understanding Him in a more full and complete way.   In the fall of 2017, Adam was presented with the opportunity to attend the LAMP seminary program through Covenant Presbyterian Church.  Although he didn’t quite know what God’s plan were for him at the time, he faithfully attended classes and enjoyed diving into God’s word and learning more.  God was preparing Adam to be the pastor of Bondservants to Messiah, long before it was even a thought in their mind.

Adam graduated from seminary in 2023 and is thrilled to be called by God into service as pastor of BTM.  Adam is also a manager at Eau Gallie Electric, the technical theater director for Second Home Theater Group and the “homeschool principal” for the Lucker children.

Kaimi is blessed to be able to use her gifts and love for music as the worship leader for BTM each week.  Kaimi is the homeschool mom for the Lucker children, has a private voice and piano studio and is the director of Second Home Theater Group.